Color Chart Download

Our color options are endless but for your convenience we’ve created a suggested color chart to make artwork file set-up easier. Feel free to download the color chart and use it as a guide – when setting up your artwork, this file should make color selection easier. We include a copy our small printed DTF color chart with your sample or first order.

Large Color Chart

You can purchase a full color – large chart here!


We try to display as accurately as possible the colors of our products shown on the site. Actual colors you see will depend on your monitor, and we cannot guarantee that your monitor’s display of any color will be accurate. The colors shown on the site are for reference only. DTF Michigan can assume no responsibility for any variances between the appearance of colors or graphics displayed on your monitor and any finished product.

When you receive your free small color chart with your first order, you may want to hold it up to your monitor and see the representation of the colors on your system. Any questions, please call production at 616-452-3941.

Suggested Digital Colors – for Vibrancy and Accuracy – Download for Artwork Preparation and Matching.
Save Color Chart for Your Use 🙂